The Department of Orthopedics organized a heartwarming Christmas program, spreading festive cheer both in the Outpatient Department (OPD) and in the hospital wards. The event aimed to uplift the spirits of patients and staff, creating a warm, joyful atmosphere during this Christmas season.
In the OPD, the program began with a cheerful Christmas performance by the OTC Students and Staffs, spreading the WORD OF GOD, joy and seasonal goodwill to everyone present. The team enacted the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ to the patient through a meaningful skit. Our Medical Superintendent and Head of Orthopedics Department Dr. Anbu Suresh Rao delivered the message of true Christmas and offered words of encouragement and spreading festive cheer.
Meanwhile, in the hospital wards, the Nursing staff made special rounds to ensure that patients who were admitted were also included in the festive celebrations. The ward was beautifully decorated, with Christmas trees, wreaths, and festive ornaments. Patients were given gifts and cake as symbol of sharing the true joy of Christmas.
The hospital staff also received gifts as a token of appreciation for their hard work and dedication throughout the year. The department’s leadership took a moment to thank the team for their unwavering commitment to patient care and for creating a positive environment within the hospital.
The Christmas program not only brought festive cheer but also fostered a sense of community and gratitude, creating a warm and supportive atmosphere for both patients and staff. The gesture helped remind everyone that, even in challenging times, the holiday spirit can bring hope, comfort, and joy.